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Kym Gude,

Founder & President The Harris-Gude Foundation

Inspired by care-giving for my parents, I founded this Foundation in 2002, to assist caregivers with resources and information to have a better quality life. Since then, I  married and have a beautiful son, Cortland, and went thru a wandering maze of obtaining information and to find resources for special needs children. It was then I decided to start a new chapter of my Foundation to better address those needs and hopefully help other parents experiencing the same frustrations.

                                                                                         ---K. Gude, Founder ​                                                                                            

The Harris-Gude Foundation is dedicated to providing information to those parents with children that have special needs. Efforts of the Harris-Gude Foundation are providing a better quality of life for individuals and their families.

Parents Palooza Presentation:


Candid, honest and interactive talk about having a special needs children and the effects upon a family.


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